22 February 2013

18 things, or maybe just finish.

i have been trying to think of more things about myself, but it is really hard! i think, 'oh, i don't like this', but then, it would really be '18 things i don't like post', and who wants that? i am trying to articulate certain aspects of my life that make me who i am, or make me the person who i want to be. if i do say anything that is offensive, please do not take it to heart. it is who i am, and who i was raised to be. i have an incredible life in terms of family and friends. here are more things about myself, some of which i hope to change.

9. i do not take my make-up off at night. it is a terrible habit, and something that i hope will change!
10. clean freak, i might even call myself OCD in some parts of my house !
11. i loose jewellery all the time, so i don't wear it often. they mostly sit on my desk, and that really upsets me!
12. i will always apologise first. i do not hold grudges, they are a waste of time.
13. sleep with three pillows, it gets crowded!
14. some of my family lives in Melbourne, Australia. i hate that.
15. first concert i went to was hilary duff.
16. i am straight up. i do not have a split personality. if i do not like someone, i will not fake it.
17. will never get a tattoo. mostly because my mother forbids it.
18. every night i have scary dreams, and i always wake up frightened.

well, that is enough for now. i didn't think finding 18 things about me would be hard, but it is. i would also like to add that yesterday was my nana's 73rd birthday! love you so much nan, you mean the world to me, and if that means buying shoes for you everyday, i would!

love, georgie x

p.s found a picture of my sisters and my mum from last year. taken at my sister Lauren's wedding! it's not all the family, but it is a start!
L-R: Alex, Maddy, Mum, Lauren, me, and Julia.

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